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France SSD VPS

  • Cheap France Windows VPS,Paris,French SSD VPS Hosting(KVM)
    Do you want a Cheap Paris VPS Hosting in France? ComfortVPS provide Cheap France Windows VPS Hosting(based on KVM),Linux France VPS Server(SSD DISK) at low price. France VPS is one of the best location if your customers in Europe. And North Africa,East America also have good speed to Paris, France VPS too. Cheap France​ VPS Hosting: » Paris, France VPS(French VPS) Server test ip Linux French VPS(XEN VPS) Ping Test IP: France​ Windows VPS(KVM VPS) Ping Test IP: Cheap France VPS Hosting SSD VPS(Linux OS: CentOS,Debian,Ubuntu): France VPS Xen #1: 512MB deciated ram,1 IP,15GB SSD Disk , 1000GB bandwidth, $20.95/month, Order Now French VPS Xen #2: 1GB deciated ram,, 1 IP,20GB SSD Disk,...