Big Memory VPS, Large Memory VPS
Big Memory VPS based on Xen from RAM 4GB to 16GB, Price of our Big RAM VPS starting at $24/4GB RAM/Month Xen VPS. It's cheap but good performance.
Our editor's choice Big Memory VPS is 4GB ram at least. We guarantee the memory and disk space of the KVM VPS or Xen VPS , never oversold, never share with others. Large Memory VPS also comes with few Days Money Back Guarantee. Try it without risk!
Why choose VPS with Large Memory?
Some website/software do not need large disk space but require large memory, our Big Memory VPS plans is right here waiting for you for this purpose. Our editor's choice Linux Large Memory VPS based on XEN or KVM and hardware Raid10, never oversold, never share with others. it's very cheap, but has excellent good performance!
Can I use the Large RAM VPS for game server?
Yes, KVM or Xen VPS with Big RAM has very good preformance, You can use it for game server absolutely.