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Windows VPS Hosting Plans(Windows 2012 VPS, Win 2003 VPS,2008 R2)

ComfortVPS found below Windows VPS Hosting Plans include Windows 2008 VPS, Windows 2003 VPS, Windows 2012 VPS, or Windows2016 with cheap price. Windows SSD VPS Windows VPS <$15 Europe Windows VPS Asia Windows VPS USA Windows VPS US West Windows VPS US East Windows VPS RAM>=4GB

ComfortVPS found lots of providers who provide Windows VPS Hosting Plans include Windows 2008 VPS, Windows 2003 VPS, Windows 2012 VPS. even Windows 2016 VPSYou can access Windows VPS via Remote Desktop with 3389 port by default or VNC via our client area.Please choose the Windows Operating System you want at next step after click the order now button. 

Those Windows VPS are located on different locations. the most popular locations are Los Angeles,CA, Silicon Valley,CA(​West Coast USA), Phoenix,AZ, Seattle,WA,Las Vegas,NV  Dallas,Texas, Chicago,Illinois, Miami,Florida(Southeast USA) and New York,NYC, New Jersey(East Coast of USA), United Kingdom(UK,Europe),Australia,Germany,France,Japan,Singapore... Please confirm the location is you want at next step after click the Order link. Note: some Windows VPS will charge a license fee, please verify it at the order page.

Special FAQ of above Windows VPS

  • What OS do you have? A: Windwos 2003, Windows 2008 R2, Windows 2012, Windows 2016. 
  • Setup Time? A: Most Windows VPS provider can setup within 24 hours, average time is 3 - 12 hours. 
  • How to access Windows VPS? A: Remote Desktop or VNC via client area of the website from windows vps provider 
  • Can I install software on Windows VPS? A: Yes, You have administrator account, you can do anything you want
  • Can I reboot Windows VPS? A: Yes, You can reboot VPS via RDP or client area
  • Can I reload Windows OS? A: Yes, Reload same OS is free via solusvm panel or via ticket
  • Can I change location? A: No, Most providers can not change location after ordered
  • Can I change Windows OS? A: No, Most providers can not change OS after ordered
  • Money Back Guarantee? A: Depend on the windows vps provider,most are refundable for few days
  • Do you provide software support? A: No, VPS is unmanaged, you need do it yourself
  • Can I buy extra IP? A: Yes, please check the price at the order page.

How to choose location of Windows VPS?

  1. Los Angeles Windows VPS,Phoenix Windows VPS, Seattle Win VPS: Recommend for Asia client
  2. Chicago and Dallas Windows VPS: Recommend for North and Central of US client
  3. Miami Windows VPS: Recommend for South America client, eg. Brazil
  4. East USA, New York and New Jersey Windows VPS: Recommend for Europe client, but focus on USA market
  5. UK Windows VPS: Recommend for Europe client
  6. Good News: We also have SSD Windows VPS located on Japan,Australia,Netherlands,France,Atlanta,Chicago,Dallas,NYC...

Can you enable Remote Desktop Connection(RDP) for me?

Most windows vps provider setup all the Windows VPS manually, And all Windows VPS will enable remote desktop connection(RDP) for you by default, you do not need install Windows OS by yourself,which means Windows VPS is expensive than Linux VPS. NOTE: some Windows VPS are NOT REFUNDABLE becasue of this.


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