Note: Windows license fee of $10 is charged on monthly basis and not hourly.
VPSie is a prepaid hourly billing model - Simply we bill every hour for the used resources...
Each month is 720 hours - So if you add a $100 credits then you use a server for one day we will only charge the cost for 24 hours based on the hourly rate of the package you used. if the rate is $0.01/hour then you will be charge $0.24 for the 24 hours and your credit will stay in the account $99.76 available credit for use at a later date.
Detailed invoice are available at the 1st of every month showing the previous month usage
Note: Windows license fee of $10 is charged on monthly basis and not hourly.
Although we offer hourly billing there is zero tolerance to abuse of creation and deletion of VPSie(s) to generate IPs, A VPSie created and deleted prior to 15 days could be flagged for abuse.