How to open/use a Remote Desktop Connection from my PC?
To create a new Remote Desktop Connection (RDP Connection)
On the computer you will be connecting from,
Open Remote Desktop Connection by clicking the Start button
, clicking All Programs, clicking Accessories, and then clicking Remote Desktop Connection.
You can also open Remote Desktop Connection by typing "mstsc" in the Run or Search box on the Start menu. Then press ENTER.
How to open/use a Remote Desktop Connection from my PC?
Type the IP address of the server you wish to connect to in the connection window. Once you have put in your credentials and all other pertinent information, Click Connect. Tips: You can click options to input the login username and choose save password for next login.
Your request will now be sent to the system you want to connect to. The Log On to Windows dialog box appears.
In the Log On to Windows dialog box, type your user name, password and then click OK.
The Remote Desktop window will open and you will see the desktop settings, files, and programs that are on the host computer. The system that is in the corporate network can remain locked and safe while you are now inside it, working on it. Whatever you are doing cannot be seen by someone watching the console.
Note: To change your RDP connection settings, (such as screen size, automatic logon information, and performance options), click on the other tabs (Display, Experience etc.) available when you open the Remote Desktop Client.
Please search from Google if you have more question about RDP. Try keyword "How to use Remote Desktop Connection"
What's the different between VNC and RDP(Remote Desktop Connection)?
- You should use RDP for normally management of the server
- VNC only used if RDP not work or not enabled.
- RDP connection is faster than VNC
- You can see the boot/reboot process screen via VNC