Free VPS Trial
Worry about something? There are 3 ways to get a Trial VPS on ComfortVPS.
Way #1: 24 hours Free VPS Trial of 512MB Linux OpenVZ VPS without any fee, $0 , no Paypal,no creditcard needed
Get your 24 hours Free VPS Trial Today:
Step 1: First,Click here to share our page on Facebook, or
Click here to share our page on Twitter
Step 2: Click the shared link from your facebook or Twitter page, You will be redirected to the free vps trial order page ASAP.
Shared link on your facebook page screenshot example:
Step 3: Answer some questions to make sure you know how to use a Linux VPS when you place the free vps trial order.
Step 4: Wait for your free vps.
Some Note:
- This Free Trial Linux OpenVZ VPS located on Phoenix,AZ,USA, you can find test ip here : VPS Speed Test
- You need use REAL information for registration. We will manully active your free vps after review your profile.
- Your VPS free trial request will be cancelled if your profile not real OR you don't share link on facebook or twitter OR you get wrong answer on linux related questions. And you can not use this free trial vps for any bulk email or attack test!
- Your trial vps will automatically terminate after 24 hours activation. Please open a ticket ask for renew invoice before the termination if you want continue use the vps. The renew price is $5.9/month.
- We will limit resources of the free trial vps. You can buy a no limit Budget Xen VPS or a OpenVZ Cheap VPS after this free trial.
- You must read and agree to our Terms of Service before completing registration.
Now, you can Click here to Start your 24 Hours Free VPS Trial
Way #2: 30 days Free VPS Trial of 256MB Xen VPS with only $1.98 setup fee or 512MB OpenVZ VPS with $2.37
Option1: Click here to get a 256MB Xen VPS with 30 days Free VPS Trial (On step 2,the price will change to $1.95 after input the promo code FreeVpsTrial and this promo code only available for new client, not for exists client)
Option2: Click here to get a 512MB OpenVZ VPS with 30 days Free VPS Trial (On step 2,the price will change to $2.37 after input the promo code FreeVpsTrial and this promo code only available for new client, not for exists client)
What's VPS you will get?
Option1:You will get a Linux Xen VPS Hosting Plans with Ram 256MB / Swap 256MB, disk space 10GB, bandwidth 200GB/mo for 30 days Free Trial.
Option2:You will get a Linux Cheap VPS OpenVZ Hosting Plans with Ram 512MB , disk space 20GB, bandwidth 500GB/mo for 30 days Free Trial.
Why need a setup fee? Can you wave it?
Some client use our free vps trial to do something bad like spam, hack.
With a little setup fee means you will not treat this Free VPS Trial as a joke.
This means we can't wave it. You need pay it for 30 days Free VPS Trial
Can I continue use my free trial vps after 30 days?
Yes, you can continue use your free trial vps if you renew it with normal price.
You can see the monthly price here: Xen VPS Hosting Plans
Way #3: 30 days Free Trial VPS of 512MB Linux OpenVZ VPS without any fee by referring 2 vps customers to us
- What's you need to do is copy and post Your Referral Link to your website/facebook/twitter and wait.
- Once you referring 2 active vps customers to us, you will get a 30 days free trial vps
- And you will earn 15% commission for every VPS order that comes via your referral link, More details
- You can use the commission to buy your own vps or withdraw cach! More details